I have read many parenting books, and am always on the search for new advice on parenting – peaceful parenting that is, I am a great advocate of being a mindful parent.
Before I became a parent I had a very clear vision on how I would parent our daughter. Because of the way I was parented I had many ideas about how I would not treat her. However my idea was that I would let her cry so she would stop. Turns out I could not do this.
When I had our daughter I could not let her cry, and would hold her forever. I was not becoming the parent I envisioned before giving birth, but a better one. Listening to my feelings as a new mother was more valuable than any book or advice people gave me. However it’s hard to stay true to your values and feelings when we have this amount of information and advice. I strive to be a peaceful mother, even though I sometimes scream at my four year old, or want to stick her behind the wallpaper. I like to treat her as a human; I don’t shout or hit my coworkers so I strive not to harm my child this way.
I have had “visiting the Beijing Mindfulness Center” on my to do list for a long time, and last week I received this message regarding a mindfulness mother workshop at the center.
To honor motherhood is to recognize and celebrate its beauty and vastness. To give life to another and to ones-self. A Mindful Mother is a woman who desires fullness, grounding, and expression. The Mindful Mother meditation series are three maternal meditations that focus on rejuvenating the woman’s body, mind and spirit. To discover more than we experience every day, as we answer the call to bring forth life, let us respond by renewing our life source from within.
If you are a first-time expecting mother or a mother of many years, it is essential to maintain our energy and life balance. Gift yourself with the time to renew your body, mind and spirit. Join the community of mothers who desire to renew their life source from within.
I was sold; sign me up! I am excited to start a journey to being a more mindful mother. I feel that this is something many mothers in Beijing could benefit from. Hopefully some can find time to join me on this six-week workshop at the Beijing Mindfulness Center. The course will start this Wednesday from 2.30pm till 4pm, and is priced at RMB 150 per session. You don’t have to attend each session as mother can be busy at times with mothering things. More information about this event can be found here.
Photos: Pixabay, Beijing Mindfulness Center