Masterpieces by some of the greatest painters in western art are currently on display in Beijing.

Portrait of a Procurator, Bellini, c.1507
The exhibition, called 500 Years of Western Paintings – Collection of Tokyo Fuji Art Museum can be seen at Tsinghua University’s Art Museum until December 23. As the name suggests, it features works from the Renaissance to the 20th century, from Cranach to Andy Warhol, taking in Goya, Van Gogh, and Monet along the way.

David’s famous painting of the Emperor Napoleon
The 60 artworks have been selected from the collection of the Tokyo Fuji Art Museum, which was founded in 1983 by Buddhist teacher and writer Daisaku Ikeda. The exhibition displays them arranged by theme: Personality Discovery and Humanity Promotion, Resplendent Movement and Exquisite Nostalgia, Classical Rationality and Romantic Emotion, Real Mirror Image and Construction of Light and Colors, and Pure Concept and Diversification.

One of Monet’s groundbreaking “Water Lilies” series
This is an extraordinary opportunity to see some of the most celebrated works in art history, and should not be missed by any art lover.

Warhol’s “Campbell ‘s Soup” prints defined Pop Art
500 Years of Western Paintings – Collection of Tokyo Fuji Art Museum, until Dec 23
All ages. RMB 60. 9am-5pm, no admission after 4.30pm. Tsinghua University Art Museum, No. 1, Tsinghua University Campus, Haidian District (subway Wudaokou on Line 13 or Qinghuadongluxikou on Line 15). 海淀区清华园1号 清华大学校内.