I regularly read a fantastic blog by Australian mother of three, Mia Freedman, called Mama Mia. Aside from being a great time waster, it’s full of thoughtful posts about body image, fashion, and motherhood.
While cruising Mia’s blog I came across this interesting post about trailing spouses. Granted, the majority of the post is made up of a report from CNN, but it did force me to hold a mirror up to my own situation.
I “followed” my husband to Beijing, after insisting that Mandarin was an impossible language to learn and that I’d never live anywhere where high quality coffee wasn’t free flowing. Sure, China may not have been my first choice when considering relocating overseas, but considering the wonderful life we’ve built for ourselves here I’m sure glad I shrugged my shoulders and said, “Why not?”
What do you think about trailing spouses. Do women take the back seat when it comes to careers? Discuss it on the forum.