In case you haven’t noticed summertime is here. That not only means fun in the sun, spending countless hours poolside when the AQI permits, but also that it’s time to get your essentials. In our opinion, there is no better place to pick this stuff up at a decent price than Miniso.
And while we were all distracted by the destruction of Sanlitun Bar Street, we failed to notice that another new addition to this rapidly growing chain (or empire), specializing in seemingly Japanese knockoff goods, popped up in Sanlitun Village, across from Sundan and next door to Moka Bros.
Don’t get us wrong – when we say knockoff products, that doesn’t mean we don’t appreciate the splendor that is Miniso. We in fact fully embrace it, especially when it comes to picking up the essentials that can help keep your kids fresh, protected, and looking good this summer. Here’s some of this season’s offerings that are going for dirt cheap prices, and will help you save a little of that hard earned cash for something more worthwhile. Dare we say something like a seasonal pool membership… now wouldn’t that be nice?
Cartoon Popsicle Molds (RMB 10)
Popsicles are an essential treat for us when summer hits the Jing. Not that getting one from a convenience store is that much of a hassle, but it’s just more fun to make them yourself. We recommend filling them with Sprite or fruit juice, then throwing in a couple of gummy worms for good measure. Trust us; your kids will love it!
Kid’s Swimming Goggles (RMB 15)
Even if your little one is a Michael Phelps in the making, that doesn’t mean that you need to spend a fortune on Speedo brand goggles, while he or she splashes about like a maniac. With a variety of styles to choose from, these aren’t only an essential and stylish accessory for “chillaxing” in the shallow end, but will also prevent that nasty burning eye sensation from over-chlorination.
Kid’s Sunglasses (RMB 15)
UV-rays can do significant damage to your eyes over a prolonged period of time. That’s just a fact that you have to deal with when your fertile planet is in constant rotation around the sun. So protect your kids with these thrifty selections that range from cutely cartoonish to downright sassy. Our personal favorites are the lips and teeth combo because nothing else quite scares those damaging rays away like some luscious lips with some pearly whites poking out.
Sandals (RMB 19.9)
Coming in a variety of characters from Disney and Cartoon Network, these will catch some envious stares from both young and old as you saunter about on the hot pool deck.
Water Bottles (RMB 15)
Make sure to stay hydrated with these attractive water bottles, that not only say “hey, I’m here to party,” but also maybe, “I like to binge watch Adventure Time, and am against the use of disposable plastic water bottles because they are one of the leading pollutants in the world today.” Environmentally conscious hydration is a modern necessity that we must all abide by, and these cute and stylish water bottles might even help with that.
Sunscreen (RMB 25)
If you’ve lived here long enough and have skin that requires the use of sunscreen, then you’ve probably noticed that there is a small monopoly over the stuff as it is mostly used by people who want to remain as pale as possible, and not because they are goth or are particularly prone to sunburns. Regardless, the stuff can be quite pricey. That’s why we were particularly pleased to discover how cheap it is here. We will likely be using it on the regular, though we can’t currently attest to its effectiveness as we only just purchased the stuff. If you want a more well-known brand, they also sell Nivea of varying SPFs for RMB 49.
Photos: Kipp Whittaker