Have you ever wanted to vent your frustration by smashing nearby objects? Well ladies, lucky for you a new store recently opened in Shenyang (Liaoning Province) with the sole purpose of serving as an anger outlet for female customers. Set up to resemble the inside of a home with a living room and bedroom, women are allowed to break, bash, tear and throw items in the store without restraint. The store provides gloves and helmets to customers as safety precautions. Used cell phones and televisions can be purchased for destruction at prices ranging from RMB 30 to 100, but the store has a time limit set at 1 minute to discourage overenthusiastic venters.
Since its opening in March, customers have mainly been white collar workers and university students who list job hunting and the economy among their frustration. The store has plans to expand to include a kitchen-like area that would allow a better simulation of a fully equipped home in which there are no rules. This male-free space may be the perfect release for all the overworked, overstressed and underappreciated women of Shenyang.
To learn more about the venting store, check out the People’s Daily article here.
Photo from http://english.people.com.cn/90001/90782/90872/6915069.html.