We all have secrets; thoughts, experiences, and decisions we don’t tell anyone about. Wouldn’t it feel good to get it off your chest and out of your mind? Welcome to the Beijing Confessional! Each month we will collect our Beijing communities’ dirty laundry and air it out for the enjoyment of all. This is a safe anonymous space. No judgments, names, or reprisals so bring us the ridiculous, the poignant, the sad, and the silly and tune in to see everyone else’s stories. Need a few ideas to get you started?
*Parent Whoopsies: The stuff you can’t believe you did, said, or thought.
*Teacher Trauma: We know you need to vent about the kid who scratches his butt and smells it or the parent who believes they birthed the next Einstein.
*Expat what the ….: When you were fresh off the boat there was an adjustment period. I KNOW you got some crazy stories, you probably had one before you even left the airport.
Travel Tsunamis: The lie that got you upgraded to first-class, the luggage you accidentally picked up that wasn’t yours, the quarantine nightmare or PTSD-inducing passport incident. ‘Fess up!
Here is the first batch of confessions. Enjoy and If you want to submit your tales of life in our fair city scan the QR Code at the end of the video and send your confession directly to us. Remember, it all stays anonymous and just between us Beijingers.
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