I got a great piece of advice as I was graduating college: Always have a side hustle! Even the most secure job isn’t immune to cultural and financial shifts. The pandemic proved that. Almost everyone I know experienced some sort of disruption to their cash flow. It wasn’t as devastating for education as it was for other sectors. True, plenty of us took temporary hits to our salary but the industry bounced back relatively quickly. Nevertheless, it was a wake-up call and a reminder that the landlord expects to be paid even if you aren’t. Hedging your financial bets is always a good idea.
Tutoring is of course an option, and often a lucrative one in Beijing, but if you already work with kids 40 hours a week, then go home to grade papers and plan more lessons, the thought of spending your few free hours with yet another child can leave you unenthusiastic, even if you’re the most devout of teachers.
So below are a few ideas for side hustles that are a little out of the box. None of them will make you rich but they might be a more interesting way of making a bit of extra cash to pay down that student loan or put away for a rainy day.
Stock photos: We are expats. We travel. And I’m willing to bet you have a trove of cool photos from amazing places. Companies like Shutterstock, iStock, and Photocase need those images (and videos as well)! Generally, you’ll only get a few cents per use but I’m guessing at the moment they are making you zero!
Freelance writing: Generally speaking teachers are great communicators and excellent writers who understand how to work under pressure and meet deadlines. It doesn’t need to be education-related. Wite about whatever your interests are: food, travel, underwater basket weaving. Anything you are knowledgeable about and engaged with, I guarantee there is a publication for it. Pull together a few writing samples about stories you think the publication would like and reach out to the editor.
Sell your lesson plans: You already did the work on this one! I guarantee you have at least a half dozen lesson plans or classroom tools that other teachers are searching for! Heck, you’ve probably already shared them with a few of your education besties. Why not spread the learning love and get paid for it too. There are tons of online sites like Teachers Pay Teachers that make getting started easy.
Just make sure you check your contracts. You can only sell original work that belongs to you, so if you were hired as a content creator, and specifically crafted and were paid for a unique lesson, I would advise against selling that specific content online. But the template for a solar system your class made or the instructions on how to code a Lego robot using a potato and some saltwater… all yours!
Event planning: You are a teacher, which means you’re probably the most systematic and creative person you know. If you love throwing a party and your friend hates it, offer to take the reins on organizing their child’s birthday party or their sister’s bridal shower…for a modest fee.
Pet sitting: We are a community that travels a lot! And plenty of expats have furry friends that need tending to while they are away. If you love animals and can spend a few hours checking in on Fido or Ms. Mittens this could be a rewarding way to make a little extra money. Start by doing it for friends and colleagues to build references and then slowly spread the word. You can also reach out to shelters and pet clinics and ask if they have a list of reputable pet service providers you can join.
Fitness instructor: You love your Sunday sweat session and you are going to be there anyway, so look into getting certified to teach yoga, CrossFit, or kickboxing! Start by asking your favorite instructor how they got certified and do a little research from there.
Hobbies: Literally anything can be a side hustle. Do you make the world’s best chocolate chip cookies? Are you an organizational wizard? Can you knit incredible scarves or paint? You don’t need an Etsy account – just drop a note in any of your 1,000 WeChat groups and I promise people are looking for what you do. The good news is you only need to take the jobs you want and have time for.
Do you have a nifty side hustle we didn’t cover here? Tell us about it in the comments!
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Photo: Unsplash