Our expat community thrives on connection, and here at jingkids, we’re all about our readers, and what they need and want in order to maximize their time here in Beijing. In honor of Father’s Day this June, we’re featuring expat dads who are rocking it in their parental roles!
John Kalberg is an American father that has called Beijing home for the past decade. He has lived in extreme places (Alaska, Las Vegas, China) and held unusual jobs (commercial fisherman, Nightclub Bartender, Basketball coach). He enjoys spending time with his family and all things Basketball.
Tell us about your kid please!
He is is a caring, kind, sweet boy. He is incredibly smart as well as curious. He has yet to be corrupted by the world and still has his childhood innocence. I wish I could keep this version of him forever.
What’s one of your favorite memories of your kid?
Of course the milestones and “firsts” stick out. The first words, first steps, first steps, learning to read, etc. But there is no way I could point out a “favorite”. Some of the best times are the little things, like the hugs and laughs.
What’s the best and hardest parts of being a dad?
The best part of being a dad, to me, is playing such an important role in shaping the life of someone you love so much. The wrestling, the cuddles, the laughs, small talk, the deep questions, all of it.
The hardest part is attempting to have a somewhat consistent approach to parenting while my son is evolving and my moods are changing.
There are countless parenting approaches, gurus, books, videos, about how to parent, but none about how to parent YOUR Child. Every kid is so unique, you just have to do your best in the moment.
Tell us about some of your favorite activities to do with your kid here in Beijing!
We love going to Happy Valley and Universal. We used to live close to Happy Valley. During “covid times” we took advantage of the deeply discounted yearly passes and short lines with weekly visits. We also like to visit the many parks BJ has to offer and play ball or search for insects to observe.
KEEP READING: 3 Kids + 1 On The Way: Ross Parsonage Talks About Being A Dad