After a desalinized sea water plant was recently put into operation in the city of Tangshan, approximately 260km southeast of Beijing, a senior executive of the Beijing water supply company claimed that Beijing residents may soon have access to a desalinized water supply safe for drinking. Assistant to the president of Beijing Enterprises Water Group Co Ltd, Zhou Lingyun commented that "every day, the plant is able to put out 50,000 tons of desalinized seawater, which meets the standards of drinking water” and that in the near future they aim to increase the daily output capacity to 1 million of 3 million tones, which would meet the high daily water requirement for the city of Beijing. Zhou also commented that by 2015, the aim is to have 20 cities in China using desalinated seawater.
Read the full article here.
Photo by jcarlosn of flickr.