This is a fun way to get everybody indoors and busy for some time before racing off outside to try his or her latest creation. These are easy projects for children from the age of 3 and above to get involved in and get to do together. All the things used here can be substituted with whatever you have in your pantry, store or library.
Materials needed for bubbles:
• 1/2 cup dish soap
• 1 1/2 cups water
• 2 teaspoons sugar
• Medium-sized mixing bowl or cup
• Spoon
• Sealed container (jar with lid)
Instructions for bubbles:
1. Mix all 3 ingredients together. Don’t stir or shake too much.
2. Store in a sealed container. The mixture has a long shelf life, so don’t worry about it going bad.
Bubble Blower
Materials needed for bubble blower:
• one 6-pack plastic soda can holder (the six rings that go around the soda cans)
• one drinking straw (two if you cut the soda holder into smaller parts)
• Scotch tape
• Bowl or pan for bubble liquid
• Scissors, optional
Instructions for the bubble blower:
1. Tape the holder to the straw.
2. Pour bubbles into bowl or pan.
3. Dip into bubbles, twirl around, and make lots of big bubbles!
Ocean in A Bottle
This is a craft yet can still be educative in that a child can learn about the ocean habitat. The ocean colors can be substituted to suit whatever everyone is in the mood for.
• Empty two liter plastic bottle with lid
• Clear vegetable oil or mineral oil
• Water
• Funnel
• Blue food coloring
• Small star fish, shells and other sea creatures
• One tsp glitter
• White craft glue
• Hot glue
What you do
1. Wash and dry two-liter bottle and remove all labels.
2. Fill bottle halfway with tap water.
3. Add a few drops of blue food coloring and swirl around to mix.
4. Add glitter.
5. Add sea creatures.
6. Fill bottle the rest of the way with vegetable oil using a funnel.
7. Be sure that rim and cap are dry, then apply white craft glue around the rim.
Sourced from
Photos courtesy of Thomas Rydberg of Flickr and Pixabay