Since its inception in 2007 here in Beijing, the International Ear Care Day aims to raise awareness and promote ear and hearing care across the world by the World Health Organization. The WHO and partners carry out specific themes and activities; this year’s theme ‘Make Listening Safe,’ aims to spotlight the rising problem of noise-induced hearing loss.
Recreational hearing loss such as listening to unsafe sound levels on personal devices such as smartphones, tablets, and the abundance of headphones and earphones, teenagers and young people are at risk of noise-induced hearing loss. Also, exposure to damaging levels of sound at noisy entertainment venues such as nightclubs, bars, and sporting events. The effects are not only limited to the physical also mental health gets affected as life changes from basic task to learning to employment.
Ear care can prevent hearing loss by having an annual check up to catch issues through early diagnosis provides the necessary treatment options. Don’t ignore the pain and ear infections as those are some of the most common ailments that can lead to hearing impairment.
Photo: Woodleywonderworks (Flickr)