Guo Yu Hong
Where are you from?
Anhui province.
How old is your daughter?
14 months.
Where do you like to take your daughter?
We like The Village because the atmosphere is nice.
Where do you like to go shopping?
I like Yashow, because it’s cheap, and I like their casual clothes.
Favorite brand?
Adidas, because it’s comfortable to wear, and it looks good.
What do you do?
I’m a stay-at-home mom.
What will you miss about summer?
I’ll miss the rain, because it’s so nice and relaxing.
Selena Shi
Where are you from?
How old is your son?
2 years old.
What do you do?
I stay at home to look after my baby.
Favorite brand?
I like Chinese brands like Izzue and Only. Their clothes are very comfortable.
Best place for kids’ clothes?
I shop online at [Chinese only] but there’s a small kids’ section at Izzue. I just got a shirt for my son from there.
What will you miss the most about summer?
Going for walks around Haidian.
Best kids restaurant?
Pizza Hut because the kids love it, but I prefer spicy Chinese food.
Favorite place to take you son?
Longtan Park or Chaoyang Park because it’s suitable for kids.
Mei Shan
Where are you from?
How many kids do you have?
A son, Seppe, who’s 1 year and 9 months, and I have a baby on the way.
When are you due?
I was due two weeks ago! I’m going to the hospital tomorrow for a checkup.
What do you do?
At the moment, nothing, but I used to teach yoga at Pinnacle Plaza.
What will you miss about summer?
I’ll really miss the green trees, the rain, and wearing nice dresses.
Favorite restaurant?
I love Japanese food. I like Hatsune because they have great sushi.
Where do you take your son to let off some steam?
Chaoyang Park. If it’s raining we go the fifth floor in Shin Kong Place – they have a good kids play area.
Treat for good behavior?
Yogurt and baby biscuits. He likes to eat a lot!
Stephanie Robinson
Where are you from?
Brisbane, Australia.
How many kids do you have?
I have one son, Jackson. He’s 19 months old.
What do you do?
I’m a medical doctor.
Where do you like to take your son in Beijing?
We like the zoo and checking out the Chinese acrobat shows.
Favorite brand?
I like Mango and Esprit, but I’ll go shopping anywhere!
Favorite restaurant?
Da Dong – it’s our favorite place for Beijing duck.
If money were no option, which clothes would you buy?
I love the shoes from Gucci, Louis Vuitton handbags, and Chanel jewelry. But now that I have a child, I tend to be more practical. He rips and pulls at everything!
Photos by Judy Zhou