Want to share your new arrival with our readers? E-mail a photo of your little one (at least 1MB in size) with his or her name, nationality, birth date, hospital, and parents’ names to amanizhang@tbjkids.com.
Trey Warner (Zhou Lei)
Chinese-American. Born to AJ Warner and Yanping Zhou on May 1 at Beijing United Family Hospital.
Sophia Popova
Russian-Chinese. Born to Maxim Popov and Jenny Lu on May 30 at MCH Hospital in Wuhan.
Thomas Patrick Corr
British. Born to Sophie and Paul Corr on July 11 at Amcare Women’s and Children’s Hospital.
Chloe Wu
Singaporean. Born to Alvin Wu and Eki Chan on October 18 in Guangzhou.
Jack Brando Robinson
American. Born to Scott and Nina Robinson on April 5 in Germany (and now a Beijing resident!).
Marvin Binder
Austrian-Canadian. Born to Marvin and Nora Binder on July 16 at Beijing United Family Hospital