My apartment’s paper-thin walls are becoming a problem. Now, as a tbjkids editor and someone who’s fond of children, I should probably be more sympathetic to the new parents in the apartment next to mine – but that baby had better start sleeping though the night or I’m going to go crazy.
I guess I’ve been spoiled because I come from an especially sleepy (some might say lazy) family. During my brother’s teenage years we used to tease him for his perpetual sleepy eyes and requests for “five more minutes” to recover in the morning. Well, it seems like he’s having the last laugh now that he’s become a father because is sleepy disposition has been passed onto his daughter Rosie.
Over the Christmas period it actually got to be frustrating to me that my newborn niece was having a nap instead of playing with Uncle Essy. Frustration got the better of me a couple of times and I just decided to wake her up and take her out for a stroll. Probably not ideal uncle behavior but my time in the UK was limited, so I did what I had to do.
Anyway, if like my boss Jerry Chan (check out his awesome first time parenting blogs here) you’re having some troubles getting the little one to lay down, here are some useful online resources for you to check out. I’m going to print these off, translate them into Chinese and slide them under my next-door neighbor’s door.
I hope this doesn’t stand for mayonnaise clinic:
I prefer things with titles like “eight ways to …”
Does exactly what it says on the tin: