Reducing Your Carbon Footprint
Last year’s quality crisis in the toy industry saw babies swallowing magnets, scathing reports of playthings covered in toxic paint and huge shipments of toys being returned to their countries of origin. Since children are renowned for putting anything and everything into their mouths, ensuring that the toys they play with are safe and toxin-free is essential.
However, for responsible parents there is even more to think about in the world of child’s play – the environment. The Scottish-based online store, The Carbon Neutral Company (TCNC), offers to set you on the right path. TCNC not only guarantees that their products are safe for consumers but also that they are planet-friendly. Their selection of eco-friendly products for children range from lunch boxes made from recycled foil packaging by a fair-trade project in the Philippines to solar powered radios.
Hoping to avoid the guilt that often plagues people when it comes to global warming, TCNC advocates that environmentally conscious shopping is one of the easiest ways to make a difference for you, your child and your planet. Although they don’t have a store in China, their website is easy to use and has the option of ordering items in Chinese prices.
The environmental effects of shipping produce from one country to another certainly contradict the store’s overall mandate yet TCNC is upfront about environmental degradation. Their online carbon calculators help individuals and businesses calculate the size of their carbon footprint according to daily practices. Household, flight and transport calculators offer a look at the various ways one can consciously reduce their carbon impact.
Unfortunately for expats, air travel is downright terrible for the environment. Luckily, there are a myriad of ways to counteract those long flights home – like making sure the household is filled with eco-friendly goods and children’s toys are toxin-free!