Animation has come a long way from the first full feature animated film Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. Modern animated films are now incredibly realistic, creative and thought-provoking. The British Council is presenting a series of British Animation Awards nominees and award-winners five categories that film buffs, art lovers and animation dabblers should not miss! The best of the British Animation Awards Vol 7 ( will be displayed as part of the Aniwow!2008 Animation Festival in Beijing ( Screenings include over 20 short and student films, animated commercial, TV graphics, sound and music, plus the unique artworks created especially for the British Animation Awards. Check out a few films below.
Date: Friday, Oct 24
Time: 8.30am-12.30pm
Venue: Auditorium Hall, Communication University of China
1 Dingfuzhuang Dongjie, Chaoyang District