DIY Wall Decals
These wall decals are perfect home decorations for jet-setting expat
families who move around a lot – the design is sticky enough to stay on the wall, but can be easily removed. Peel on, and then peel off – they’re fun to make and leave no mess behind.
Difficulty Level: Easy
Xeroxed copy of silhouette images found online
Contact paper (贴纸 tīe zhǐ) – purchase at copy shops or markets that sell stationery
Pen or marker
1. Find your favorite images on the web – search silhouette, stencil, or clipart websites for suitable stock images or use your own photos.
2. At a copy shop, enlarge the image to the desired size.
3. Using scissors, cut out the image along the border. This will be your template.
4. Cut a piece of contact paper larger than your template.
5. Place template upon contact paper. Trace the image onto the contact paper. Decal will be a mirror image of the template. (Tip: Use tape to secure the template).
6. Cut out the decal.
7. Peel off the decal and stick it on your wall.
Rebecca Kanthor is a Shanghai-based crafty freelance writer and producer. If you’re in Shanghai and would like to share some (knitting and crochet) needles, give her a shout at