Mothers in Beijing recommend these sources for information on pregnancy and childbirth:
What to Expect When You Are Expecting by Heidi Murkoff
The new fourth edition of what is arguably the most famous English-language book on pregnancy is as exhaustive as it is thick. The 600-page tome discusses topics ranging from pregnancy tests and month-by-month fetal development to diet, illness symptoms and even advice on sex during pregnancy.
The Expectant Father by Brott Armin
Aimed at fathers-to-be, The Expectant Father comes with a month-by-month explanation of the different stages of pregnancy and gives an overall view of the different hurdles (ranging from physical to financial) that first-timers can expect to face.
Your Pregnancy Week by Week by Dr. Curtis Glade
Offers all the medical background and information a young mother needs. Organized by week, the chapters outline the individual stages and the changes in a mother’s body during pregnancy.
Baby Love by Robin Barker
Australia’s bestselling babycare book gives expert advice for the first 12 months of a baby’s life. Full of Robin Barker’s wisdom and humor, this guide has been fully revised, including new material on nutrition, food allergy and intolerance, and updates on safe sleeping, breastfeeding, “reflux” and immunization.