Yishu 8 invites the whole family to a “Children’s Vernissage” on Saturday October 16. This workshop, led by Laurent Ferrier, will use the imaginary world of Viktor Popov, photographer whose works are currently being exhibited at Yishu 8, to introduce the children to the art of appreciating and creating art. Built around interactive exchanges and games, the workshop will help these fledgling artists develop their curiosity and creativity.
TIME: 3.30-4pm (ages 6-9); 4-4.30pm (tea time for all children); 4.30-5pm (ages 9-13)
CONTACT: 65819058, www.yishu-8.com
While the children are being initiated in the art of looking at art, the parents can gather round a cup of tea and discover the works of Viktor Popov under the guidance of Christine Cayol, Yishu 8 founder.