After 6,000 comments (and counting) on and around 100,000 comments on Facebook, Amy Chua has certainly sparked a big debate on parenting “the Chinese way.” In response to the buzz, she is back on The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) to answer reader’s questions.
She remarks: “There is no easy formula for parenting, no right approach (I don’t believe, by the way, that Chinese parenting is superior—a splashy headline, but I didn’t choose it). The best rule of thumb I can think of is that love, compassion and knowing your child have to come first, whatever culture you’re from. It doesn’t come through in the excerpt, but my actual book is not a how-to guide; it’s a memoir, the story of our family’s journey in two cultures, and my own eventual transformation as a mother. Much of the book is about my decision to retreat from the strict “Chinese” approach, after my younger daughter rebelled at 13.”
Take a look at the full interview here, read our previous blog post here and share your opinion on our forum here.