What’s more important: knowing how to surf the web and mastering one-button games, or knowing how to tie your shoes and swim? That’s a tough question considering the way things are going, but if this is any indication where parents should be guiding their kids, an AVG study has found that more young kids know how to operate a smartphone (19 per cent) than how to tie their own shoes (9 per cent).
The security firm Digital Diaries conducted the study on kids aged two to five in the US, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and Japan, and the findings point out that kids are learning how to navigate the digital world at an age before they are even ready to seize the day.
“As our research shows, parents need to start educating kids about navigating the online world safely at an earlier age than they might otherwise have thought,” said AVG CEO J.R. Smith.
I know that I’m impressed anytime I see a kid at a restaurant playing on an iPhone, but maybe I should start looking at their shoes and asking myself who tied the bow.