Yoga in bed.
That’s right, forget counting sheep, and try some upside-down relaxation. If you find yourself stressing over falling asleep, you can turn the bed into a relaxed yoga studio.
Graydon Moffat, a Canadian yoga instructor, struggled with insomnia for years before practicing what she preaches. She tried warm milk, alcohol, even sleeping pills, but feels a lot better now that the solution to her sleep problems lies in something completely natural.
According to Sat Bir Khalsa, an assistant professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School in Boston who has studied yoga as a treatment for insomnia since 2001, and quoted in the Globe and Mail article linked to above, “Research suggests insomniacs have higher levels of the stress hormone cortisol in their bodies, and a more active sympathetic drive (which arouses the body and sends blood flowing to the muscles). Regularly practicing yoga can reduce that level of stress.”
Here’s a link for an eight minute yoga routine for better sleep.