As we all know, life isn’t perfect. Some parents are single parents, left to raise their children on their own. It may not be an ideal situation, so some single Chinese mothers have discovered out a new way to find fathers for their children: 代理爸爸 (daili baba), which in English translates to proxy dad.
At Chongqing Times, a journalist received a phone call from a woman with a 5year-old daughter.
Yu says, “It is very difficult to look after my daughter while I have a job and I just want my daughter to have a father figure.” (See the source here[http://news.sina.com.cn/s/2011-03-25/024722176469.shtml]
It took entrepreneur Zhu Qi a month to find the right Proxy Dad for her son. After her divorce, she was raising her 2 year-old son on her own. She enlisted an agency to recruit a proxy dad, after which thousands of men came for the interview. In the end, she chose three men to be proxy dads.
She explains, “They will take turns to taking care of my son. One of them is a soldier, one is a professor and the other is a manager. Two of them are not asking for payment and the other one is choosing to useall payments for charity.” (See the original article here [http://news.xinhuanet.com/society/2006-10/24/content_5242641.htm])
Even romance is blooming among proxy dads:
“Zhen Wanping adopted her son from her hometown, and after a few years, she found a proxy dad for her son.”
But her proxy dad Wang Hong did not find her coincidentally.
“A few years ago, Wang Hong’s ex-girlfriend left Wang Hong when she was pregnant. After she gave birth, her family let Zhen Wangping adopt the baby. When Wang Hong found out, he started planning to get his son back.”
“In the end, Wang Hong finally decided to let Zhen Wanping keep her son and the two have since gotten together.” (See the original article here [http://www.zhiyin.com.cn/yuer/2010/0718/article_7244_1.html])
Considering these stories, no matter how difficult, I believe single moms will finally find their happiness.