Founded in Sichuan province, The Chengdu Waldorf School was the first of the seven accredited schools. Known for an emphasis on creative thinking, a far cry from the intense pressure of competition in Chinese schools, Waldorf adopts its educational approach from Austrian philosopher Rudolf Steiner.
A year at Nanshan Waldorf School costs RMB 24,000, which is higher than a public school, but parents are happy with the results.
Zhang Tiange , mother of a first-grader, says: “The school doesn ‘t overload the children with information and assess how much they have absorbed through exams . Instead , it pays equal attention to a child ‘s intellectual , emotional and physical growth . The children get to learn things that are truly useful for their future life .”
Personally, it sounds much better than waking up at 5am to take an exam. Especially if you’re only in first grade.
To read the full story on China Daily, click here.
Also, read up here on parenting expert Yanhong Wheeler, an advocate of Steiner education.