Hong Kong International Medical Clinic, Beijing has brought up a current concern among parents and children worldwide. The increase of better living conditions and amount of minerals accessible to children raises a global concern on children’s weight. Being overweight is not just a health issue, it can not only make your child unhealthy but also causes social problems for children overweight, such as being teased by their peers and alienated by peers. Being obese can also impact your child dramatically during their different stages of growth, causing them to develop low self-esteem or body image problems.
Once a child is overweight it is hard for them to return to normal weight. For parents who are curious or watching out for their child’s weight, the Body Mass Index (BMI) can help measure if your child’s height and weight are normal for their age.
Although it is tough for children who are obese or overweight to lose weight and change into a healthier lifestyle. It can be done with the help and support of family members. Other family members can also benefit from making the right changes towards a healthier lifestyle. Note limiting the amount of takeout and junk food consumed, increasing physical activity, and paying attention to consuming good nutrition, whilst seeking professional advice will help combat obesity. Remember that obesity is becoming more and more common and that children need to set realistic loss goals that also take into consideration that they should be fit, have a normal BMI and are not too thin.
For more information on obesity in children click here, to learn more about obesity management click here.
Advice from Dr. Mei at Hong Kong International Medical Clinic:
Pediatrician Dr. Xiaoping Mei has a wealth of experience in child nutrition, growth evaluation, and the development of early intellectual ability.