An update on this previous post concerning pets.
For pet owners out of the loop, let me bring you up to date: beginning in the end of June, dogs were dying in Capital Paradise. It seemed mysterious, but the root of the problem was an acute allergic response to chemicals being sprayed on trees and shrubs to ward off ticks. Turns out these chemicals keep away ticks, but many dogs have a severe allergic reaction to it – resulting in death.
As a dog owner myself, this is slightly terrifying. The good news is we can be prepared. Inform your management about the situation and ask that there be signs posted anytime they spray. For help in doing so, please see the links below:
An English and Chinese letter for property management agents with the request to inform residents of repellant spraying is also available at this link.
Should you need any Chinese-language assistance with property management agents, contact ICVS for assistance: 8456-1939/1940/1941.
In addition, there are emergency kits available at ICVS for RMB 50. It includes one vial of epinephrine, a sterile syringe, gauze, alcohol pads – as well as detailed instructions in both English and Chinese. While the prospect of actually using this emergency kit frightens me, I’m glad to know that I’ll be prepared in any event.