On Dec 24, the toxic chemical aflatoxin was found in Meng Niu’s milk products. Meng Niu (蒙牛) is one of China’s top producers of milk. Ever since 2008 when melamine was found in Sanlu Milk Powder (三鹿奶粉), drinking milk in China has been a big debate.
To catch up on past news on milk scandals, read our previous blogs on drinking milk here.
As a normal nutrition supply, milk might be a daily beverage for many of us. It contains lots of calcium which is necessary for growing children, and it can be good for our skin. But unfortunately, there are a few ways milk can be harmful instead of helpful. Here are some tips on how NOT to drink milk:
1. Do not drink highly concentrated milk.
Some parents put too much milk powder in their babies’ milk, which can cause diarrhea or constipation.
2. Do not add sugar in milk when it is too hot.
Sugar and milk have a chemical reaction between 80℃-100℃. It’s best to wait for the millk to cool before adding sugar.
3. Do not add chocolate to milk.
Chocolate milk is favorite for many kids, but the calcium from milk and oxalic acid from chocolate will form calcium oxalate – a solid form.
4. Do not use milk to take medicine.
The chemicals in the medicine might cause the protein in the milk to react.
5. Do not feed yogurt to babies.
Yogurt contains lactic acid bacteria, which is good for an adult digestion system, but the intestinal flora of babies is not developed enough to handle the healthy bacteria.
6. Avoid adding fruit juice to milk.
Fruit juice can actually destroy the protein in milk.
These tips selected from Sohu.com here. (Chinese only).
For more on the Meng Niu situation, click here (Chinese only).
Photo: FHKE of Flickr