The International Center for Veterinary Services (ICVS) is relocating to a new hospital and pet care facility in Wangjing. The move will take place from May 23 to June 9, 2012.
ICVS will resume its regular operating hours, Monday to Saturday, 8am-8pm and Sunday 10am-7pm at the new Wangjing facility after Sunday, June 10.
The new ICVS facility will offer, boarding, grooming, full medical services, obedience training, behavior counseling, pet foods and accessories and much more!
Please contact ICVS at the following number during this period if you need urgent or emergency assistance:
ICVS Mobile Number: 138 1028 0259 (English and Chinese)
Please schedule appointments for after June 10th by calling:
ICVS Reception: 8456 1939/40/41
ICVS Mobile: 138 1028 0259 (English and Chinese)
The new ICVS Wangjing facility is located at:
International Center for Veterinary Services 北京新天地国际动物医院
13-16 Rongke Ganlan Chengshang Jie, Futongxi Dajie, Wangjing, Chaoyang District (8456 1939/40/41, 北京市朝阳区望京阜通西大街, 融科橄榄城商街13-16号