If you’re wondering what to do for your Thursday and Friday nights, consider celebrating love-crossed stars. Tomorrow is qixi, also called Chinese Valentine’s Day, the seventh day of the seventh month of the lunar calendar. According to Chinese lore, it is the only day that the starts Altair and Vega are able to meet; the rest of the year they are tragically separated by the Milky Way. In Japan the festival is called Tanabata, and the Familier is teaming up with the Japanese Festival Association to host a big Tanabata celebration tomorrow, Thursday, August 23, and Friday, August 24.
The fun starts at the Familier at 11am on Thursday with activities for younger kids, including the traditional wish tree. In addition to decorating the tree, attendees can write their wishes and hang them on the tree.Snacks will be available. On Friday evening,join the Familier for a rooftop barbecue and unlimited Japanese food, including okonomiyaki and yakisoba, plus a complimentary glass of wine. There will also be an after-dark treasure hunt through 79.
Both events are at the 798 location of the Familier. Thursday the event starts at 11am and ends around 6pm. Tickets are RMB 25 for kids and RMB 50 for adults. On Friday, festivities begin at 4pm, and last until around 10pm. Tickets are RMB 60 for adults and RMB 30 for kids.
Photo courtesy of flickr user SteFou!