Tests are inescapable in today’s world. So much seems to hinge on these paper packets of multiple choice bubbles. Scores and rankings begin to take shape for children at a very young age, and in China these numbers can determine a person’s future. All of this can feel like an unbelievable amount of pressure, and it’s easy to lose perspective and become distracted when taking a test. For all the test takers in your world, here are a few helpful test-taking tips to ease the strain.
Make a final review right before bed
In addition to your normal studying routine, make a quick review of everything right before you go to sleep. Sleep helps to seal things into your memory, and if you focus on something right before you sleep, you will remember it better in the morning. You can also use this time to meditate and take a moment to yourself. Plan your strategy for the next day, and you will feel prepared, calm, and in control.
Get a good night’s sleep!
Even if you feel you haven’t studied enough, make sure you are well rested. If you stay up all night cramming, you will not retain as much information and your natural logic and awareness will be impaired.
Get up early to breeze through your material and eat breakfast
If you go to bed early, you can afford to wake up early. This will give you time to collect yourself and refresh your brain with another quick look at your books.
When taking the test, pace don’t race
Try to focus on the material you know best first so you don’t get stuck on questions and lose time. Allow yourself a reasonable time slot for each question and don’t be afraid to guess if you have to.
Photo by timlewisnm via Flickr