One of my Chinese friends asked me quite seriously why I liked coffee when it was so bad for me. I was taken a bit off guard by this because I had no idea that coffee was in any way harmful to my health. To be sure, common sense dictates that anything in excess is harmful, but is regular cup of joe really all that bad?
Science is divided on the issue, but here is the summary.
The good:
• Coffee is an anti-oxidant. In animal trials, anti-oxidants reduce cancer risks (especially liver, and colorectal cancer).
• Coffee can help lower blood sugar.
• Since Coffee is a bitter herb, it improves digestive health.
• Lastly, coffee can help improve the blood lipid profile, which is essential for heart health.
The Bad:
• Since Coffee is a stimulant it can make blood pressure, anxiety, insomnia, and osteoporosis worse.
• Coffee increases the production rate of your adrenal (stress) glands.
• Cheap coffee is often heavily laden with pesticides which increase the risk of cancer.
So by all means, enjoy your coffee. Just savor it in sips rather than gulps.
Photo by JB London via Flickr