I have a confession: I like mom-jeans. I date myself by preferring this style of blue jeans as I know the negative connotation it creates, but let me defend my choice.
I’m a 40-something mom of two who has pretty good metabolism but a strong distaste for regular exercise (yes, I’m aware of the health benefits). I often wonder how I might look if I did exercise – maybe that bikini would be more tempting during vacation. Then I snap back into my reality recognizing that if I didn’t even care for bikinis in my 20s, why in the world would I start now?
I also confess to not having the restraint of keeping junk food out of my house. No, my family doesn’t sit on the couch and get fat eating Cheetos all the time, but I certainly don’t forbid those snacks since I like to eat them, too. It’s moderation that’s important, right?
That being said, the most popular style of jeans tends to have a zipper that’s only a few centimeters long and a waistband that fits just over my hips. I don’t really need or want a big belted waistband to accentuate my hips, thank you, and I certainly don’t need my middle aged “muffin top” out there for all the world to see. I don’t find muffin tops attractive when I see the younger generation displaying them, either, so I’m not being discriminatory to any particular age group. The only figures I think look good in this style of jean are those with completely flat stomachs and narrow hips – and then, I’m only envious.
My mom jeans hold me in. All of me. I don’t have to worry about a bulge and a muffin top. I still suck in when I need to, but I can tuck and zip in what I want without sharing my flaws to others. Bonus, I can breathe.
I know I’m in the minority, but I don’t care. I’m a mom, and mom jeans rule.