From October 30 to November 5, Year 8H of Beijing World Youth Academy (BWYA) held a project called “Hot Teachers”for their Community and Service requirements. This simple but splendid project chose five male teachers from BWYA, and students and teachers voted for one teacher they thought would make the hottest woman. Each day that week represented each of the five teachers, and to vote for that particular teacher, BWYA students and teachers donated money on the teacher’s designated day.
The five Hot Teachers candidates were Mr. Alberto, Mr. Haysom, Mr. Fleming, Mr. Haggar and Mr. Wang, and they promoted themselves by each making a video on why people should vote for them and how hot they would look dressed as women. The videos were aired on the appropriate days and encouraged pupils of BWYA to participate by putting their money into the donation box on the front desk or donating online.
Mr. Haggar, an English teacher at BWYA and one of the candidates for Hot Teachers, says, “I wanted Mr. Wang to win so I paid a lot of money to him.” Apparently, many others’ opinions stroke a chord with Mr. Haggar’s and eventually, Mr. Wang won with a total of RMB 1,246 donated on his day, RMB475 more than the next most-voted teacher.
Hence, on the morning of Monday, November 5, Mr. Wang greeted the students at the school gate wearing a feminine jacket, short blue skirt, black stockings and a pink knitted hat. Mr. Wang, the deputy principal of BWYA and the winner of the Hot Teachers project, says, “I had no idea that I would win so I was both excited and nervous when I heard the result. But I’m glad that I did it and I’m very pleased to have cheered a lot of people up.”
The Hot Teachersproject was a huge success and Year E8H earned a total of RMB 3,985, which is to be donated to UNICEF. It was a project which boosted the BWYA spirit and became an exemplary C&S activity – creative, fun and productive.
Lauren You (Jung Won) is half Korean and half Chinese, and is currently in grade 10 at Beijing World Youth Academy. Previously, she attended a Korean kindergarten, then a Chinese school in Korea, and later went abroad to Malaysia to study English at a local school and then in a British international school. Her experience of studying in diverse environments allows her to explore the horizon. Lauren enjoys reading and writing and she actively writes articles for her school’s magazine as well as for her school’s newspaper.
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Photo courtesy of BWYA