As Movember draws to a close, a lot of mustaches are falling, but Yew Chung International School of Beijing (YCIS) took those falling locks to new heights. Teachers around the school embraced Movember to raise awareness of prostate cancers and men’s health issues, and on Friday, November 23, the teachers finally did away with their hirsute faces in an assembly, but two teachers threw down a last-minute challenge: that one more big donation and both of them would shave their heads. By lunchtime, over RMB 8,000 had been put together for the most expensive hair cut ever.
Mr. Pelosi, a psychology teacher, and Mr. Stitz, an economics teacher, sat in the barber chair in the IB lounge as students shaved their heads. The money raised by the 11th hour challenge will go to the YCIS Seeds of Hope charity.
Photos courtesy of YCIS