It is difficult to know an Australian mother and not know of Kaz Cooke’s literary works. I’ve heard her seminal guide to pregnancy, Up The Duff: The Real Guide to Pregnancy, discussed more than any other title by an Australian author. The good news is Kaz didn’t stop there. She went on to write Kidwrangling: Looking After Babies, Toddlers and Preschoolers, the multi-award winning Girl Stuff: Your Full-on Guide to the Teen Years, and her latest offering is Women’s Stuff, in which she sifted through over 7,000 exhaustive surveys from women of all ages, shapes, and sizes to share with readers the truth about being a woman. Many authors have written guides to pregnancy, raising children, and the hazards of aging, but precious few have actually taken the time to not only make their writing informative, but to also make it funny.
Fortunately for Beijing residents with kids of all ages, at 3pm on 2 March, Kaz Cooke will speak at the Capital M Literary Festival on her book Girl’s Stuff: Your Full-On Guide to the Teen Years. Billed as a confidential heart-to-heart on the dangers and joys of teen life with the hilarious, honest, heartwarming Kaz, the event is certain to put a smile on your face and undoubtedly provide some parenting food for thought.
Tickets for this and all Captial M Literary Festival events are on sale now online at (you can also call mypiao at 400-620-6006), or in person at Captial M from 11am-7pm daily. All sessions are RMB 75 and include a drink (children and students are RMB 20). For more details about the Literary Festival and other events, check out the Captial M website here.
For more information about Kaz Cooke, visit Copies of her books will be on sale in Beijing at BabyGro stores.
Photo by flickr user:skreativ