Wu Hwa was born in Taiwan and raised in the US and has been living in Beijing since 2000. She is a PR consultant working in the IT and consumer segment and the proud mother of three children: Marcello, age 3, Penelope, age 2, and 4-month old Maurizio.
She recently shared with us her personal creative project, a fantastic series of colorful illustrations featuring real photos of her kids transposed on hand-drawn, themed backgrounds that she did using her smartphone. We asked her a few questions about this ongoing project and what plans she has in store to take it to the next level:
How did you get the idea to do this project? Which app/tools do you use?
I had the idea to create a story book for my son to inspire them about their future occupation on all the fun experiences they can have. I find it is also a fun way for them to learn about different things with themselves as the hero of the picture. I didn’t have any training in art or drawing so I just started in sketching on the sketch board function of my Samsung Galaxy note phone. Since then, I’ve really fallen in love with drawing and challenging my creativity. My goal is to draw at least 100 drawings and draw or for one year.
How long does it take to do each drawing?
Some simple ones take about 10 min. More vivid ones take up to 2 hours. But I really enjoy trying to draw new things and incorporating current events. I recently got a new phone so I can draw some more.
What’s your favorite drawing and why?
My favorite is the one with all my children and husband in our dream house. It is not a very difficult drawing, but it really symbolizes my life and my world.
You mentioned people have been requesting you to do drawings of their kids for them. Have you done so and any plans to do more?
I haven’t done any yet, but I would like to try. This is the reason that I wanted to try to make the app. Perhaps if I finish making the app, they can do it themselves on the phone. I have tried to do a few themed ones for special shops we like in Beijing such as Hatsune and Comptoirs de France.
What are your plans to do with the app?
I hope to create an app that lets parents put their kids in my drawings. Some additional features can allow them to create the drawings into a card or a story book with their personalized storyline and messages. I think it would be fun for the kids and their parents and also a great way to learn about the world and art.
If a reader wanted to get in touch with you how would they do so? Just email me. Love to get some ideas for new drawings.
Contact Wu Hwa by e-mail at hwawuortiz@gmail.com to find out more.