In the second part of the series, we look at other egg carton crafts such as building blocks, shakers, plant pots and a wreath. If you want to learn how to make bugs, flowers and other egg carton crafts click here for part one of the series.
Egg-cellent Building Blocks
Take two large cartons and make five blocks that your child can play with.
What You’ll Need: 2 egg cartons;paint (any five colors); paintbrushes; 5 small containers; water; scrap paper; scissors; hot-glue gun
- Brainstorm different ways to come up with five blocks. (Hint: One way is to cut one of the egg cartons in half and the other in thirds.)
- Secure the lids with hot-glue.
- Place one of the blocks on the sheet of scrap paper.
- Add about two Tbs. of one color of paint to one small container and then add a splash of water to thin the paint; do the same with the other colors of paint and containers.
- Paint the outsides of each egg carton with one solid color.
- Set the egg cartons aside to dry.
- Once all the blocks have dried, see how many ways the blocks can be arranged and balanced before they fall down.
Egg-tastic Shakers
Get a bit of rhythm going these vibrant musical instruments.
What You’ll Need: 1 egg carton; scissors; tempera paint (any four colors); paintbrushes; scrap paper; rice; hot-glue gun
- Cut off the top half of the egg carton. Separate four individual egg cups from the bottom.
- Paint the outside of each cup with different colors to mix and match them.
- When the cups are dry, flip two of them over.
- Measure out 1 tsp. of dried rice and pour it into one cup; do the same for another cup.
- Hot-glue the two remaining egg cups onto the ones filled with rice, recreating an egg-shaped shaker.
- When the glue has set, try out the egg cup shakers by turning on some music and shaking to the beat!
Egg-shilarating Plant Pots
Bring the nature outdoors in.
What You’ll Need: 1 egg carton; scissors; black marker; potting soil; four seed packets; spoon; plate; water
- Cut off the top of the egg carton, leaving just the bottom.
- Separate four egg cups from the carton to create a pot collection and use scissors to trim the edges so they are even and smooth.
- Write the name of each plant on one side of each of the egg cups and fill each with a few scoops of potting soil.
- Place a few seeds of one plant in the appropriately labeled pot.
- Place all the pots on a large plate and position the plate near a sunny window.
- Water the plants according to the instructions on each package.
- When the plants get too big for the pots, transfer them to a bigger pot or to a garden outside.
- There’s no need to remove the plants from the egg cups when planting in the garden; they will decompose into the soil!
Egg-straordinary Wreath
Create a special wreath to greet guests at the front door.
What You’ll Need: 2 egg cartons; scissors; 8-color set of watercolor paints; paintbrushes; small container; scrap paper; paper plate; glue; length of ribbon or wreath hanger
- Cut off the two top halves of each egg carton, leaving just the bottoms.
- Save one top for later.
- Separate each of the 24 egg cups from the cartons; use scissors to trim and smooth the edges.
- Pick a color scheme for the wreath that correlates with the season (pastel colors for spring; foliage colors for fall).
- Fill the small container with water.
- Place the cups on the scrap paper and paint the inside and outside with the watercolor paints, diluting the paints in water when necessary.
- Next, paint the inside of the egg carton top with big dabs of the same colors used to create the egg cup flowers.
- While the egg cups and the lid are drying, cut away the inner circle of the paper plate, leaving the outer rim, which will be the base of your wreath.
- Paint the base one solid color and set aside to dry.
- Once the cups are dry, use scissors to cut three to four evenly spaced vertical slits down the sides. Start at the outside edge of the cup and cut downward, but don’t cut through the bottom of each cup.
- These slits form separate petals that can be gently flattened out like individual flowers.
- Arrange each flower along the paper plate rim and then hot-glue each cup onto the plate until it is covered.
- Then, cut 24 small circles from the painted carton lid and glue each one to the centers of each flower cup.
- Loop a length of ribbon through the center of the wreath and secure it with a knot, or use a metal wreath hook to hang the finished wreath on the front door.
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Photo courtesy of Martha W McQuade (Flickr)