Although his shop could never hold the range of products that larger toy stores carry in Beijing, Ralf Duering (owner of TopToys in Solana and beijingkids board member) strives to sell toys that are both fun and educational. He has been a passionate supplier of Micro brand scooters and equipment in the capital.
But Ralf’s time with toys is coming to a close, as he is set to renovate his store. Ralf said he will be transforming Top Toys into a kids’ outdoor store and needs everything gone by Tuesday, October 15.
As a result, shoppers can enjoy discounts on remote-controlled cars and helicopters, Barbie, Monster’s High, cicci bello, vetch, Hot Wheels, Ravensburger puzzles, activity packs, Little Tikes, Schleich animal figurines, and more – but only while supplies last. With the exception of Micro Scooters and Micro products, everything will be discounted up to 80 percent off the retail price.
Top Toys is located in Solana, one floor above the ice skating rink. If you speak Chinese, you can call 5905 6810 for directions. If not, you can call Ralf at 139 1025 5934.
Photo by Christopher Lay