When is it the right time to begin your child’s college admissions process? Or that getting into a top university takes more than a great application. On November 13 at the Face Boutique from 9.30AM to noon, our sister publication jingkids will be hosting a talk on Getting Ahead In the College Admissions Process. The talk will be presented by Angela Jones-Glukhov, who is a senior admissions consultant at The Edge Beijing.
The talk will be in English with a Chinese translator on hand for the Chinese audience members. Angela will take the attendees through what makes the cut when applying to top universities and what parents can do to prepare their children. This will be followed by a question and answer session. Snacks and drinks will be provided by the hotel before and after the talk.
This talk will be the fourth to be held this year for the publication with the previous talks covering topics such as how Chinese students adapt in international schools, western education vs Chinese education and how to prepare for top private high school application in the US.
This event is free. Registration is required through sending an email to marketing@truerun.com or call 5820770 ext 853.
About the speaker
Prior to joining The Edge-Beijing, Angie spent over fifteen years in college admissions scouting the United States and many foreign countries in search of the world’s most talented and intriguing students for selective colleges, universities, and fellowship programs. She has worked for three of the colleges highlighted in the celebrated book, Colleges That Change Lives, and has connected students from grade 6 to Ph.D. candidates to education. Angie has been working with students and families from mainland China since 2005. Well versed in the “mysterious” mechanics involved in the college admissions process, shehas trained students, parents, counselors, and professors in the holistic admissions process from San Francisco to Seoul; Moscow to Nanjing.
Angie graduated magna cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa, with a B.A. in both Comparative Literature and Russian from Beloit College, and holds an advanced degree in Educational Leadership in K-12 education.
Biography provided for by The Edge.
Photos by Ken