An early and often quoted study by NASA in the late 1980s found that houseplants provide a natural way to purify the air in space facilities. In a busy city with notorious air-quality issues, what else can we do to breathe easier at home, besides closing our windows and splurging on an air purifier?
We picked five markets around town that are perfect for houseplant shopping. Before you head out, read the article on our 2013-2014 beijingkids Health Guide and take notes for the most effective and readily-available varieties, such as aloe, peace lily and the spider plant.
Laitai Flower Market莱太花卉
This botanical warehouse on the east side of Beijing features all sorts of plants and flowers that will brighten anyone’s home in Beijing. First-timers can get lost in aisles of orchids, peonies and bonsai trees, with mint and other culinary herbs also available.
Mon-Thu 9am-6pm, Fri-Sun 9am-6.30 pm. 9 Maizidian Xilu, Chaoyang District (6463 6145) 朝阳区麦子店西路9号
Yuquanying Flower Market玉泉营花卉市场
Near the south of the Third Ring Road, Yuquanying Flower Market may be the oldest and largest in the city. Among a wide selection of flowers and plants, you are particularly likely to find Dutch tulips here.
Daily 9am-6pm. 55 Nansanhuan Xilu, Fengtai District (6353 8637) 丰台区南三环西55号
Chaolaichun Flower Market朝来春花卉市场
Outside the North Fifth Ring Road, Chaolaichun is fairly small in size but it is well organized and has prices that save the hassle of bargaining. Besides houseplants, red roses are also for sale at only RMB 2-2.5.
Daily 9am-6pm. Beiyuan Donglu (east side of Qingnian Cheng), Chaoyang District (8491 010) 朝阳区北苑东路 (青年城东侧)
Tongsha Flower Market通厦花卉批发市场
A popular plant and flower market outside the West Fifth Ring Road, Tongsha features many locals shopping for air-filtering green plants such as spider plant and aloes. Plants varieties and supplies are sufficient but the market is not described as very well organized.
Daily 9am-5pm. 300 meters south of Xisanqi Bridge, Haidian district (6284 0174) 西三旗环南300米路西
Liangma Flower Market亮马花卉市场
Besides its convenient location near the Third Ring Road, the market also offers almost every variety of cut flower and potted plant you could want at reasonable prices. If you happen to live close, delivery by flatbed bicycle is available for RMB 10-30.
Daily 8.30am-6.30pm. South bank of Liangma River, 758 Dongsanhuan Beilu, Chaoyang District (6504 2446) 朝阳区东三环北路758号, 燕莎商城南, 亮马河南岸
Photo by Liangjinjian (Flickr)
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