Harrow International School Beijing Future Forest 2014 Spring Trip Review

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The 2014 Harrow International School Beijing-Future Forest spring planting trip began with the arrival of the first of two groups of students at Kubuqi Desert on the 17th of April.

Beginning from months ago, the interest among Harrow Beijing students and staff have been substantial, and to facilitate the amount of participants of the trip, two groups were formed with about 15 people each, with the groups travelling in overnight inbound and outbound journeys with a separation of one day.

While the highlights of the trip are many and varied, it is certainly not an easy task to select a best amidst them. However among them, one would be sure to include the desert trek, whereupon standing on top of the towering sand dunes, (after an exhausting climb) a panoramic view of the surrounding landscape is merited and well within sight. As one would stand testimony to the efforts of Future Forest, with rows and columns of poplars and salix scattering across the slopes, while signs of civilisation are found, just before the horizon, serving as a reminder of the urgency of desertification. Dorothy’s pasta, already a renowned delicacy of the trip was truly deserved by everyone, particularly after a well contested tree planting competition, where up to 240 trees were planted collectively between the trip members, transforming a large barren patch of desert into a promising sapling plantation in just a few hours.

Beyond the highlights that had been mentioned, it is our hope that everyone coming out of the trip has become a more environmentally conscious individual, now favouring action over procrastination. Therefore, with such a successful and positively received inaugural trip, we can only anticipate more to come in the future, which we are confident would bring increasing environmental consciousness and action to the Harrow Beijing community, in a future, that is in ever greater demand of such.

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Photos courtesy of Harrow Beijing

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