It’s an urban jungle out there when trying to navigate the world of ayis. We have an ayi who came to us via a friend’s recommendation, she has stayed with us for four years but we were pretty green about how much to pay? which holidays we should give? Can background checks be conducted?
There are a million questions swirling in the minds of ayi searching families. To figure out the answers to some of these questions, we are currently conducting an Ayi Survey. This survey is trying to sieve through the perceived trends and actual trends that have occurred over the year.
Now in its sixth year, the survey serves as a benchmark to the rates and how people come to find their ayis. This survey was started by Tobal Loyola, Beijing expat, seeker of truth and True Run Media’s Company Culture and Communications Officer. He has used Beijing Exchange and Beijing Cafe to seek respondents. His results from last year’s survey, showed which neighbourhoods paid the most and which ones paid the least. Find more of that here.
The lack of information about some of the basics makes it much more difficult to make decisions where ayis are concerned. The survey is about 10 minutes and officially closes on July 27, 2014. Take the survey and find out if your are paying more or less to the person entrusted with helping you in your home. The results will be published here on beijingkids.
Photo courtesy of quinn anya (flickr)