Am I the only parent who feels like celebrating the beginning of the school year? Okay, I’ll be waking up 90 minutes earlier each day (at least) to get my daughter ready for school, but despite the intrusion on my “beauty” sleep, I’m tickled pink that school is back in session.
Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed the extra time to travel and hang out with my kids, but for the past two months, much of my time has been spent shuttling them back and forth from science camps, play dates, outings to parks and museums, shopping, and lunches. Many of these things I thoroughly enjoyed. Unfortunately there is a mountain of other things that remained undone. Work things, home things, and personal things. Case in point, I’m in need of a haircut and have been for over a month.
Frankly, an ideal way to celebrate this week (Daystar Academy, started school September 1st) would be a nice lunch and a movie with my wife on Monday followed by a haircut and a revitalizing 2-hour massage on Tuesday. Heck, I might even take in 798 on Wednesday, stroll the Summer Palace on Thursday, and just go back to bed on Friday. Sure, I’ve plenty of things that need to be done, but I survived a summer with three kids and my sanity could use the break. Besides, the mountain in my office still has a little room to grow. Just don’t open the door; it’s holding up the north face of the pile.
Photo: US Department of Education (Flickr)