Parenting guidebooks sometimes are too general and kids are not general. They each have their own personalities. But the one commonality of parenting is the use of out-of-the-box ways tips and trick to get daily routines, commons ailments and activities much easier to handle. collected some of the weird tricks and here are just the ones sound weird but actually could come in handy.
Blowing bubbles while in the loo helps kids poop
Apparently moms have said that this is a proven trick that children get preoccupied with the blowing of bubbles.
Paper Cupcakes Cups rescue dripping Popsicle
The mess from melting popsicles can be no more with the use of paper cupcakes cups that can be used to reduce dripping on clothes and hands. (I would like to try it).
Oats stop the itching
The oats that are meant for breakfast do have other uses that are of similar importance than breaking the morning fast, soothing itchiness when a child has chicken pox. The trick is to tie a muslin cloth filled with oats round a running tap during bath time.
Using a made belief spray for calmer bedtimes
There might be the boogey man under beds and parents have come up with a way to make children believe that mom or dad helped to make it go away by spraying them with monster spray. The not so mythical monster spray is made of water using an empty refillable can. Cue the parent superhero.
Flannels help with no more tears
Fold a wet flannel and ask your child to hold it over their eyes whist you shampoo and rinse their hair. This will make washing their hair a less pleasant time and way less tears.
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Photos: desertdutchman, AMagill, familymwr, Joanna Bourne, & Stevendepolo (flickr)