I am prone to the blahs of March. In Beijing, the month can feel like cold, temporal punishment. I am quite possibly at my worst once March rolls around.
And yet, the kids and I look forward to March in Beijing like it brings a unique holiday. In a way, for us, it does. Every March the Bookworm mounts their Literary Festival. Over those two weeks they host an international roster of authors, illustrators, and journalists. It would be a once-in-a-lifetime experience in our regularly scheduled Western Pennsylvania lives but happens in Beijing every year!
I wrote in the March issue of beijingkids about our favorite reason to get out of bed (and out of Changping) this time of year. The magazine in its entirety can be found in many locations around Beijing or by following this link.
The Bookworm International Literary Festival in on again this year. Already this week, Myles, Brigid, and I have been to three of the children’s programs. Next week we have three more. It is a very busy time for us, but so very worth it.
This post first appeared on Jennifer Ambrose’s site on March 19, 2015.
Jennifer Ambrose hails from Western Pennsylvania and misses it terribly. She still maintains an intense devotion to the Pittsburgh Steelers. She has lived in China since 2006 and is currently an at-home mother. With her husband Randy and children Myles and Brigid, she resides outside the Sixth Ring Road in Changping, northwest of Beijing
Photo: courtesy of Jennifer Ambrose