I’m going to let you in on a beijingkids secret. With the exception of our Shunyi correspondent, none of the editors here at the magazine have children yet. And as much as I think I’ve learned the last year and a half covering topics like where to shop for all things baby, common newborn issues, and much more, if and when the day comes that I find myself staring back at two pink lines on a home pregnancy test, it’s safe to say I’d feel totally lost at first. Here in Beijing though, we are fortunate to have hospitals like International SOS Beijing Clinic that offer complimentary “Parentcraft” classes for parents and parents to be. These are classes specifically designed to address the most pressing matters new parents and parents of toddlers face. The next one starts this Thursday, September 10 with classes to be held Thursdays through November. Attendees can expect to walk away with a better understanding of baby’ needs and well as their own. International SOS’ child specialists will provide a range of classes on the following topics:
Sept 10 – Birth Preparation and Post-Partum Issues
Dr. Alejandra Mora presenting
Topics Covered:
- Getting ready for labor
- Delivery, and the early post-partum period
- Stages of labor, pain management options
- The first days – what to expect
Sept 17 – Newborn Care and Breastfeeding (0-3 months) Dr. Sonia Bourreau presenting
Topics Covered:
- First appointments and checkups
- Common conditions in newborn babies
- Breastfeeding techniques and tips
Sept 24 – Nutrition for Moms, Babies, and Toddlers Stella Chan Marinaro presenting
Topics Covered:
- Breastfeeding and formula
- Nutrition guidelines for babies and older children, age appropriate solids
- Pregnant and new mom’s nutrition
- Food and mood
Oct 8 – Sleep Basics for Babies and Young Children (0-5 yrs) Dr. Stephanie Teoh presenting
Topics Covered:
- Settling techniques, establishing good sleeping habits
- SIDs awareness
- Sleeping issues
Oct 15 – Starting Good Eating Behaviors (6-36 months) Dr. Stephanie Teoh presenting
Topics Covered:
- Food allergies and sensitivities
- Introducing solids
- How to establish good meal time habits
- Dealing with fussy eaters and tantrums at meal times
Oct 22 – Getting Back in Shape After Birth and Baby Massage Physio team presenting
Topics Covered:
- Avoid and treat new mom injuries
- Strengthening the core
- Introduction to the benefits and techniques of massaging an infant
Oct 29 – Toddler Taming Part 1 (6-36 months) Dr. Stephanie Teoh presenting Topics Covered:
- Positive parenting strategies
- Understanding child developmental and behavioral differences
- How to be a HELPER parent
Nov 5 – Toddler Taming Part 2 (6-36 months) Dr. Stephanie Teoh presenting Topics Covered:
- Focuses on “discipline” strategies to encourage positive values and relationships
- Common behavioral issues such as tantrums, aggression, sharing issues
Nov 12 – Toilet Training Dr. Stephanie Teoh presenting
Topics Covered:
- Recognizing signs of readiness
- Preparing your child for this milestone
- Common challenges
Nov 19 – Building Emotional Resilience in Toddlers Dr. Stephanie Teoh presenting
Topics Covered:
- Why is emotional resilience important?
- How to build self-esteem, coping skills and emotional strengths
When: 10am-12pm
Where: International SOS Beijing Clinic
Cost: Complimentary
Contact: for more information or to reserve, Email seminar@internationalsos.com
Photo: Daniel Lobo (flickr)