UrbanCoolKids is an online store which stocks imported products for children, including Thudguard, a range of British safety helmets for children, and WeeRide, an American children’s bike seats brand. UrbanCoolKids is the exclusive distributor for both companies in China.
Filipina Genevieve Co See, managing partner of UrbanCoolKids, has lived in China for eight years, first moving to Beijing for her husband’s work. Nowadays due to school and work commitments, she divides her time between Shanghai and Beijing.
Co See started the company in 2011, acquiring the Thudguard license after observing daughter Alexa’s minor accidents as she learned to walk. On vacation abroad, Co See saw the Thudguard hat on sale. “I know that bumps and bruises are part of growing up, but I wanted my child to be safe from a potentially irreversible severe head injury,” she says. “I loved that I could watch her from a distance, and relax or complete household chores. As an added bonus I saw that with more freedom, she got more exercise and her motor skills improved much faster.”
As Alexa has grown up, the products Co See distributes have grown alongside her. UrbanCoolKids added the center-mounted WeeRide Kangaroo bike seat to their range of products, because the family loved to go on bike rides and didn’t want to place their young daughter on a rear-mounted seat. “With the WeeRide Kangaroo, we could seat her in front, safely between our arms, and easily talk to her during rides,” says Co See. Now that Alexa is older, she has outgrown the WeeRide Kangaroo seat and instead enjoys long bike rides with her parents on the WeeRide Co-pilot.
The Thudguard hat retails for RMB 368, WeeRide Kangaroo for
RMB 788, and the WeeRide Co-pilot is RMB 1,050.
(info@urbancoolkids.com) urbancoolkids.taobao.com
This article originally appeared on page 16-17 of the beijingkids November 2015 issue. Click here to read the issue for free on Issuu.com. To find out how you can get your own copy, email distribution@truerun.com.