Maintaining a harmonious relationship between siblings can prepare kids for relationships they will hold in the future, set children up with a supportive friend throughout their life, and last but not least, can make family life a little easier. Check out some of these tips for keeping the kids’ (and your) cool.
Don’t compare
Avoid comparing achievements, physical attributes, or anything else between them, whether out loud or otherwise (children can pick up on things like body language).
Spend special time with each child separately
This will make sure that each child feels special and loved.
Encourage the children to help and support each other
Maybe encourage the older sibling to spend time looking after the younger, to foster a nurturing relationship, or get them to help one another with homework.
Make friends before birth
Prepare the older sibling for the arrival of the new brother or sister with some stories, and talking about fun things that they can do together. Don’t forget to reminisce about what it was like when they were born.
Listen to both sides in arguments
By listening to both perspectives, you will help to make each child feel heard, and also teach them valuable communication skills for later in life.
Remind them that they are family
Siblings are siblings forever – they will be there for each other through the good and the bad.