The boy who never grew up…no, not Peter Pan. Detective Conan, also known as Case Closed, is a Japanese manga, and later anime, that, since its debut in January of 1996, has been loved by multiple generations from those born in the 1980s up until after the 2000s. Forever an elementary school student, he takes his audience from episode to episode solving crimes and mysteries that his adult counterparts can’t even scratch the surface of.
This summer, the touring exhibition in his name has arrived in Beijing on July 15 and will be in town until August 28. The Detective Conan theme exhibition is located in the international business and commerce area of the SOLANA Lifestyle Shopping Park in Chaoyang District. It is open from 10:00am to 10:00pm, but admission closes at 9:00pm.
The exhibition features the original setting of the anime brought to life as a backdrop and interactive mystery solving games to engage visitors. As the first large scale Detective Conan touring exhibition in China, taking up an exhibition space of three floors in SOLANA’s business area, it is an experience sure to attract many anime fans.
During the 45-days long exhibition, the original drawings of the manga and official products of the franchise will be on display including a model of Conan created for his 20th anniversary. Limited edition merchandise is also offered as prizes for certain games and activities.
Tickets are RMB 80 per person and come in the form of a souvenir booklet containing coupons which allow entrance to various activities in different parts of the exhibition. Keep in mind that tickets and coupons lose their validity if you tear them off yourself.
In any case, if you’ve enjoyed reading or watching the works of Gosho Aoyama in the past, and are in Beijing this summer, perhaps drop by the exhibition and see if it’ll be a good time. You probably go shopping at SOLANA anyways.
Detective Conan Exhibition, Until August 28
Ages 6+ RMB 80. 10am-10pm, last entrance at 9pm. SOLANA Lifestyle Mall 6 Chaoyang Park Road, 朝阳公园路6号 (Event Website Here)
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