Schools are about to start their new academic years in a few short weeks. Old and new kids have begun to wonder what the new year has in store for them. It’s natural for kids to be anxious about the new school year, most of their classmates have either left or will be in a new class, therefore there’s going to be some adjusting to the new year. Here are tips on getting your child ready:
1. Let your child know what the schedule will be like. If you moved houses or countries let them know the new times for waking up and heading off to school, what time school ends, and what time after school activities start.
2. Talk to your child about her fears and expectations about starting school. This is best time to reassure children and making sure the lines of communication are open in the event something happens and they wish to talk to someone.
3. The school administration staff is already working and might be available. For those schools that have to buy uniforms, use that as an excuse to take a tour of the grounds and allow your child to go to his classroom for the sake of familiarity.
4. Help your child write a pros and cons list of starting school. It’s important to focus on the positive attributes of school as they come to terms with the new year. This might mean they have lost friends and having them looking forward to new things is a bonus.
5. Start actively looking for kids in your compound that will be attending the same school. Although a child close to the same age is best, any school aged friend can make the prospect of starting school fun. They could even walk to catch the bus together, when appropriate.
6. Look into after school activities that are on offer for kids of different ages. This can make them start to feel settled once they see a routine and structure begin to form.
7. Attend the welcome back party as a good way to learn the school community. This will make it easier to start settling down and give you a good support network within the school.
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